The exhibition will be open at Chapman University until the 27th of June 2017.
Following this link you can read an INTERVIEW by the Arts Collection Department of the University.
By Janire Najera in California, exhibition, Fotos, Interview, journal No Comments
By in Arizona, Book, California, Colorado, exhibition, Fotos, Madrid, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah No Comments
Moving forward, looking back is travelling to Madrid and will be exhibited at Espacio Serendipia from the 11th December until the 16th January 2016. The opening will be on Friday the 11th at 7pm and we will be also presenting the book, published with SPAIN arts&culture and Editorial RM.
Caminando hacia delante, mirando hacia atrás llegará pronto a Madrid para exponerse en Espacio Serendipia desde el 11 de diciembre al 16 de enero de 2016. La inauguración será el viernes 11 de diciembre a partir de las 7 de la tarde donde presentaremos también el libro publicado con SPAIN arts&culture y Editorial RM.
El sábado tendré el placer de visitar el festival del fotolibro FIEBRE, donde varios fotógrafos publicados por la Editorial RM estaremos firmando libros. ¡Tengo muchas ganas de pasar unos días en Madrid y espero veros pronto!
Espacio Serendipia
Calle del Infante, 3 (Barrio de las letras)
By in Arizona, Book, California, Colorado, Fotos, Interview, journal, Los Angeles, Nevada, New Mexico, Washington D.C. No Comments
Moving Forward, Looking Back, Journeys Across the Old Spanish Trail is a documentary project focused on identity, based on memory and inspired by travel.
In the USA you can buy the book via the Spain arts & culture website or by following this link.
Moving forward, looking back (Avanzando hacia adelante, mirando hacia atrás) es un fotolibro que traza un recorrido por el “Old Spanish Trail” (Antiguo sendero español), una ruta comercial histórica que conectaba Nuevo México con California en el siglo XVIII. Una interesante forma de exploración histórica a través del arte contemporáneo.
En España se puede encontrar en la Casa del Libro o en el Fnac. Para más información se puede visitar
By in Fotos No Comments
By in Fotos, Interview, New Mexico No Comments
In the following weeks I will be posting some photographs and excerpts form the interviews with the Spanish descendants I met during the journey. It has been a fascinating experience to cross our paths and I hope to share some glimpses about how they feel when thinking in their identity.
Corina was born in Taos, in northern New Mexico, and now lives in Santa Fe. She works as an accountant and also serves as a Major and Logistics Officer for the U.S. Army Reserves. As she told me, she belongs to many cultures, with one ancestor from France and some from Spain, who arrived via Mexico, finally settling in Rancho de Taos on what was then the frontier of New Spain. Some of the descendants of these first conquistadors were mixed blood with Native Americans from the surrounding area. Others were mixed with the ‘‘genízaros’’ that settled in this lands. They traded with the nomadic Navajos, Apaches, Utes and Comanches, who in most cases had been forced to accept Catholicism and speak Spanish. Corina is not totally sure about where exactly in Spain her ancestors came from, but she proudly celebrates her shared roots. She has formed a traditional folkloric group with her twelve-year-old daughter and they dance together at many fiestas in and around Santa Fe. Each New Year’s Eve, she joins her family in Taos to dance traditional ‘‘Comanche dances,’’ which honor the arrival of a new period.
By in Arizona, California, Colorado, Fotos, Los Angeles, Nevada, New Mexico, Orwell, Utah No Comments
By in Arizona, California, Colorado, Fotos, Los Angeles, Nevada, New Mexico, Orwell, Utah No Comments
This month we have been really busy preparing for the exhibition that will open on the 30th of April in Washington DC at the Former Residence of the Ambassadors of Spain. I know that some Spanish descendants from California will be attending to the private view so if you would like to know more details about this event just get in touch with me via email: Hope to see you there!
By in California, Fotos, Interview No Comments Tags: behind the scenes
During my last visit to California I had the opportunity to meet with some of the descendants I knew from my prior visit and also to engage with new people that kindly shared their stories for the project. I am working on the book at the moment so I hope to be able to share soon their experiences.
By in Fotos, New Mexico No Comments
I was really looking forward to meet with Rudy Sena at his ranch in Galisteo, New Mexico. My good friends Bill and Laurie had told me many stories about him and also about his Spanish connections. On the Sunday we drove from Santa Fe to his home to get to know him a bit better. Rudy lives off the grid in his ranch and when we arrived he was chatting with a friend in his car, in the middle of the field, because it was too windy to be outside. He was talking with nostalgia about the rodeo that he has organised for many editions bringing the local community together. But this summer was going to be a bit different; he had decided to have a break from it and for the first time in over forty years the rodeo was not going to be celebrated in Galisteo. – Next year, he said, when the new bridge is built, we will have another gathering and will have to celebrate it double.
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