
Opening on the 1st April 6-8pm

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April 1

6 pm to 8 pm

Join us for the opening of the exhibition Moving Forward, Looking Back: Journeys Across the Old Spanish Trail, which explores Spanish heritage in the United States Southwest via the Old Spanish Trail, a route that linked the colonial outposts of New Mexico and California. The exhibition is presented by the National Hispanic Cultural Center and SPAIN Arts and Culture and supported by Wales Arts International.

This free event will take place at 6pm on April 1, 2016, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center’s History and Literary Arts Building.

How to get the book / Comprar el libro

RMbookMoving Forward, Looking Back, Journeys Across the Old Spanish Trail is a documentary project focused on identity, based on memory and inspired by travel.
In the USA you can buy the book via the Spain arts & culture website or by following this link.

Moving forward, looking back (Avanzando hacia adelante, mirando hacia atrás) es un fotolibro que traza un recorrido por el “Old Spanish Trail” (Antiguo sendero español), una ruta comercial histórica que conectaba Nuevo México con California en el siglo XVIII. Una interesante forma de exploración histórica a través del arte contemporáneo.

En España se puede encontrar en la Casa del Libro o en el Fnac. Para más información se puede visitar